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Managing crises from below? 11-12th December

                                       Friday, 11th December 2020                        




Welcome:  Silke Hünecke (TUC) and Klaus-Jürgen Nagel (UPF)

Welcoming speech:

David Sancho Royo,  Director of the Department of Political and Social Scienes (UPF)

Stefan Garsztecki, Vicedean of Faculty of Humanities (TUC)


Keynote: Beyond the imperial mode of living. Multiple crises and emerging alternatives from below, Ulrich Brand, Head of the Department of Political Science (University of Vienna)

Chair: Klaus-Jürgen Nagel (UPF); Cecile Sandten (TUC)


Coffee break



Panel 1: Ecological crises and crisis management from below

Panel Chair: Klaus Stolz, TUC

  • Thomas Laux, TUC, What makes a global movement? Analyzing the conditions for a strong participation in the climate strike
  • Marta Conde Puigmal, UPF, Degrowth as a possible path to address the multiple crisis
  • Piotr Kocyba, TUC, Fridays for Future: a new generation of climate activism. Findings based on Protestsurvey data.


Lunch break


Panel 2: Political crises an crisis management from below

Panel Chair: Jaume López Hernández, UPF

  • Hanne Schneider, TUC, Bottom-up democracy? The role of civil society in small localities.
  • Ivan Serrano Balaguer, UPF, Rethinking the multilevel boundaries of solidarity
  • Andreu Paneque Martin, UPF, Podemos, still a movement party? The effect of political party’s institutionalization.




                                     Saturday, 12th December 2020                        






Panel 3: Social crises and crisis management from below I

Panel Chair: Cecile Sandten, TUC

  • Stephan Liebscher, TUC/FU Berlin, Towards a municipalist transformation of the European border regime? Solidarity between local struggles on hegemony, translocal diffusion and pandemic-related legislation.
  • Gülce Safak Özdemir, UPF, Building pro-refugee solidarity in Barcelona: Rethinking multistakeholder relations


Coffee break


Panel 4: Social crises and crisis management from below II

Panel Chair: Cecile Sandten, TUC

  • Olatz Ribera Almandoz, UPF, Social housing not social cleansing. Contemporary struggles for housing in Spain and the UK
  • Alberto Jiménez Iglesias, UPF, Organizing the political subject: the PAHC Sabadell


Coffee break


Panel 5:  Economic crises and crisis management from below

Panel Chair: Javier Astudillo Ruiz,  UPF

  • Daniel Ziesche, TUC, From the street to the parliament: The ‘emotional turn’ in politics and the crisis of western democracies.
  • Danny Coposescu, TUC, Ballismus, commercialism and giving wings to grassroots identities in the stands at RB Leipzig


Lunch break


Closing event

Multiple crises and crisis management from below – the example of Catalonia with civil society activist from the Catalan movement Joana Pujol (ANC) and Elena Jimenez i Botias (OC).

Chair: Jaume López Hernández, UPF


Close of the workshop